
Section 1 - Introduction

This is the official community policy of Switch Network. This page will show the rules and guidelines for the community's public server, as well as information and definitions in regards to the different categories below.

Members of the community's staff and moderation team are given the necessary tools to deal with and penalize individuals that repeatedly fail to comply with the community rules.

We are a British based server therefore we ask for English to be the used language across our servers , This is not to say that other languages can’t be used for roleplaying purposes. 

We request you have a working and usable microphone in order to take part in the roleplay , text roleplay is limited and can cause the RP to suffer if used too much.

Members of the staff team reserve the right to penalize you at their own discretion if deemed necessary based on your own words and actions.

Any question regarding the below can be answered via a ticket or preferable on the forums! Thanks for reading.


OOC = Out Of Character

IC = In Character

RP = Roleplay


Section 2 - General Rules



Respect all other players in and out of RP, do not take in-game feuds to real-life.

Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. 

We take a strict policy on usage of words that relate to sexuality , racial slurs , and general homophobia.

Please refrain from fighting fire with fire. This will do nothing but fuel the fire, which means you are effectively allowing the conflict and situation to continue, and evolve. Work your problems out in a civilized and appropriate manner, staff are always to assist in working out problems if this becomes difficult.



A working microphone is required to play on the server. Discord support will be provided to fix any issues with in-game. Players who do not have a working microphone will be kicked from the server. 



You must understand and speak English. RP is not limited to only English but we request you to speak it when another player is also speaking English.


The use of any knowledge obtained by means not through in-character interactions, for gain in-character, or that harms another player or their RP is forbidden. Metagaming includes but is not limited to stream-sniping, “passing” information between your characters, and for those with the ability, using information acquired while spectating.



If there is a problem in-game use the /report function. If you feel that there is something wrong with an RP situation, wait until the situation is over to report it so as to not ruin it for those involved. Abuse of the /report function may result in a kick from the game.



Non-authorised advertising, including but not limited to other servers, websites, or self-promotion, in the discord or in-game is not allowed. Admins reserve the right to ban users who fail to comply with this rule.



Exploiting is forbidden in-game and out of the game. This includes  but is not limited to using software/hardware crosshairs, abusing bugs/glitches, and lag-switching. All bugs and glitches should be reported properly to be fixed. Discovered exploitation will result in a ban, the length varying based on the exploit.


Transfer of real-world goods is not allowed between players of the server for any purpose, whether in-game, through Discord, or any third-party system. Transferring or attempting to transfer in-game money, vehicles, items or other assets for any out-of-game or real-world money, trade or services is not allowed.



The use of any client side code to acquire server information, gain an advantage in game, or generally break the server’s functionality will result in an immediate ban. All known security threats will be removed immediately upon notice.


Section 3 - Basic Roleplay Rules



When joining the city use appropriate naming to bring a rich experience , this goes for clothing too as it will help enforce your character's story. If you fail to do this you may not be able to have a proper experience with other players.



Suicide RP is allowed , But we will not allow it in usage to avoid prison time or gain an advantage over another player. Abuse of Suicide RP will result in approiate punishment depending on severity.



Any type of forced sexual RP is forbidden. Failure to disengage sexual RP when requested/told will result in a ban.


RDM is forbidden and will result in scaled punishments. Fighting, and generally aggressive actions, must be reasoned through RP. When attacking someone, you must have both initiation and reason. The reason must be evident within that initiation. If either of these are not evident, it will be classed as RDM.


VDM is not forbidden but cars follow the same rules of engagement and must have reason. Cars follow the same FTVL rules within a certain radius. This is determined by the staff team depending on the situation.


The use of game mechanics to gain an advantage over other players is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to spam punching in fights and abusing the animations that have been supplied.




FailRP is not allowed. This includes doing things that you wouldn’t be able to do IRL, interfering with RP scenes unless you have a valid reason to be there. 


Fake hostage at a bank robbery is also not allowed and it is pretty boring to do. Be more inventive with your bank robberies. You don't always have to be a hostage anyway!


Taking your clothes off at a robbery is technically not against the rules but we ask that you use something a bit interesting, meaning a change of clothes rather than just taking them off.



Follow the New Life Rule (NLR). This means after death you cannot remember what happened in your previous life, such as who killed you and where you died. The previous rp scene needs to be completely forgotten about. You may not return to your place of death until the RP scene is over. You may only remember the previous life if you have had the appropriate medical care from the NHS.



If a player is threatening another with a melee weapon, you are not outnumbered and it is not a bladed weapon then as long as you are at least a metre away then you may defend yourselves


This rule does not apply to drawn firearms. If a firearm is aimed at you then you must comply with their demands.


However, once combat has been initiated, you are permitted to defend yourself.



Do not break character while roleplaying. This can include discussing things from discord or talking about general life outside of the server. 


This is also aimed at staff, under no circumstances should you interrupt someone's RP. We ask you to use the given systems to make a report. 



Combat-logging, such as quitting the server to avoid an RP Situation or Gov Sit.


It is forbidden to force people to transfer/ withdraw money from the bank, and it is also forbidden to force players to transfer their vehicles.



Paycheck farming while AFK is not allowed. For example, being NHS, going on duty and not doing your job is considered paycheck farming. This could risk removal of these whitelisted jobs.



Impersonating the NHS or Police is not allowed unless permission is given by staff. This includes wearing any type of uniforms/clothing/accessories.



After being treated by the NHS or arrested by MPS, you are in their custody until cleared or escaped. Not doing so will be treated as FailRP. NHS and Police also want to have RP so please bear with them even if it’s not too enjoyable. If it goes past 25 Minutes you are permitted to leave.



We understand people want to talk to their friends whilst playing on the server. We ask that any RP that is relevant to the current situation is said in game as well. For example “Shoot him” needs to be said in game to give realism to the situation.


Section 4 - Crime Rules


In a bank robbery, we ask no more than 6 robbers, this can be exempt if prior approved with staff.



No illegal activity is allowed 15 minutes before and 10 minutes after restart this includes: Robberies , Bank Robberies , Any player harming. You may rob people at this time but they are not obliged to return to the RP after the restart (You still can’t kill them however).



Vehicles are not allowed inside buildings, unless this is for RP if you are unsure on this please talk to staff. This does not mean you can park a car in a bank to get a quick getaway.



You can only kidnap the same person once every hour. Otherwise it gets boring for the person being kidnapped and can ruin their experience.



Police can be kidnapped if there are at least 3 police online. This does mean you can request certain things from the police however if the appropriate person is not online to supply your request then it’s tough luck.



The maximum you can hold someone hostage for 30 min, this rule does not apply if you are already engaged in a situation with the police, such as a bank robbery. 



You are not to initiate any hostile RP towards the the LSFD. However if they are hostile to you for any reason (For example killing you or trying to prevent you from committing a crime) you are able to retaliate accordingly. This also includes attempting to murder the person the LSFD is giving medical treatment to secure a no revive. Don’t be boring, give the LSFD a chance to RP.


Terrorism or Bomb RP in any way is not allowed unless cleared by a staff before hand. We appreciate it can be fun but we want to see RP that does not require explosion and bombs.


It is forbidden to steal police-issued weapons and equipment. This is the same for NHS medical equipment.



You must not initiate any hostile RP or combat inside anything that is marked a greenzone. Camping waiting for someone to leave is not allowed.



Player Spawn

Vehicle Dealership



It is not permitted to ‘scam’ players for their vehicles. You may only scam players for a value of £25,000.


Section 5 - Aircraft Rules


You must not deliberately collide with any other aircraft, people or buildings whilst flying. You must value your life in an aircraft.



You must fly realistically, this means you must not fly under bridges, close to buildings etc. You must value your life in an aircraft.



You may only store aircraft in aircraft garages. Failure to do so will result in your aircraft being removed and your licenses being stripped. Additionally, you must not use the impound feature to bring out aircraft or boats at car garages.