Legal Jobs

About Us LSPD

Los Santos Police Department



Rank Insignia Notes
Chief of Police  
Assistant Chief  
Deputy Chief  
Commander In-charge of a bureau
Captain In charge of a division
Lieutenant 2nd in command of a division, usually watch commanders
Sergeant II Supervisor
Sergeant Supervisor
Police Officer III Senior officer, eligible for specialities
Police Officer II Passed probationary period
Police Officer I   Probabtionary officer
Cadet   In training (pending FTO approval)


Central Operations Bureau

  • Patrol Division (2XX)
  • Traffic Division (3XX)
  • Detectives Division (4XX)


Special Operations Bureau

  • SWAT (5XX)
  • K9 (6XX)
  • AIR (7XX)


Administrative Operations Bureau

  • Professional Standards (8XX)
  • Human Resources (9XX)



Corrections Officer


Rank Insignia
Department Director
Chief Deputy Warden
Associate Warden

Parking enforcement job


  1. Get the job from City Hall
  2. Head over to the impound
  3. Start the job and claim your work vehicle.
  4. Travel to the large blue circle on the map (your work area)
  5. Find some parked cars
  6. Press Shift + H to open the PDA
  7. Enter the parked car license plate
  8. Identify:
    1. Has it parked longer than their ticket is for (or have no ticket)
    2. Does the vehicle make, mode, colour match?
    3. Does the VIN match?
  9. Issue ticket for the violations identified
  10. Repeat until you would like to end
  11. Return your work vehicle back to the impound and go to the office to go off duty.



Going on Duty

  1. Attend the fire department
  2. Get your bunker pants on
  3. Sit and wait for a call out



  1. An audible tone will play in the station and a dispatch alert will pop-up
  2. Run to the coats and put your turnout coat on
  3. Open garage doors
  4. Get in truck and respond to emergency


On scene

  1. Go to the back of the truck and get your SCBA on
  2. Type /hat for your helmet and type /mask for your cover
  3. Type /scba to put your SCBA mask on
  4. Now get the hose from the truck
  5. Put the fire out
  6. Put the hose back
  7. Type /scba to take your mask off
  8. Type /mask to take your hood off
  9. Conduct survey of the fire, confirm any injuries or fatalities
  10. Put SCBA back into the truck
  11. Return to base (/hat optional)


Back at Station

  1. Reverse park the truck at the station
  2. Take your turnout coat off
  3. Take your helmet off, if you have not already
  4. Stand-by and wait for callout